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Showing posts with the label English KItchens

The Kitchen – A Divine Architectural Intervention!

Can you define where the kitchen stops and the architecture begins?   This design uses a seamless embrace to create a contemporary architectural unity that is disguised amid pastel colours and warming textures!   The sequencing of layers creates drama within the design right from plinth to ceiling level allowing the designers to explore texture, colour, form and light to maximum effect. The scale of the room is impressive and The Mogul is convinced that the brief suggested that the entire house should become the kitchen reducing the need or desire to visit any other room.   The architecture has been absorbed by the kitchen and has been granted a vital role in delivering the Holy Grail of kitchen design;   A kitchen that is both contemporary and safe, providing a wow for now and design longevity into the future. This design also displays a trend for 2012!   Polished chrome detailing mixed with wood veneer and paint!   Hats off here because this kitchen...

English Kitchen

England, a country of grassy meadows filled with dancing buttercups, blue skies and stone built walls that traverse the lush countryside connecting us to the deep ancestry of our forefathers.   And an English kitchen is a Chalon kitchen. Walk   down the stairs and enter this room on a summers morning, birds are singing and there is a smell of fresh tea in the air.   Open your sliding sash windows to let the smell of freshly cut hay enter your nostrils, and you know that you are home.   This is England, and this is what the Chalon experience is all about!! Timeless and extremely fashionable these framed and colourfully distressed designs reach beyond the room that we call the kitchen.   They are a timeless reminder of the unparalleled craftsmanship our very society has been built on! The Mogul Approves.