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Showing posts with the label Designer Kitchens 2012

Transforming Furniture Absorbing Kitchens!

The Mogul has long argued that the modern kitchen can now be defined by its island, with the taller more cumbersome elements being absorbed by the surrounding architecture or being cloaked behind transforming cabinetry.   The kitchen is in-fact an island with some modified architectural cabinetry in support. So it is interesting to see how this design and an increasing number of others are detaching the island from the floor, creating a floating centrepiece which is only tethered to the architecture by the services required for function. This design accepts that there must be unity between kitchen and architecture but it also expresses an understanding that there must be a connection with the other pieces of furniture sharing an open plan space.   The T-shaped island unit is like a functional docking station, able and willing to accept elements that can temporarily enhance the functional experience without permanently polluting the aesthetic influence of the kit...

The kitchen is a functional mannequin

The kitchen is a functional mannequin which can be tailored and dressed to suit the individual style preferences of each and every client.   Although the appreciation of aesthetics may appear shallow to many kitchen design purists it is an element of the design that has far reaching implications.   The chosen aesthetics help to define the social and artistic affiliations of the user and whether we like or not the kitchen you own will outwardly proclaim something about you.    Functional design perfection will achieve a quiet contentment within the user but so too can individually styled aesthetics, delivering a holistic element to the design which can last as long as the personally tailored functionality. This functional human barometer will quietly display an empathetic understanding of those souls who occupy the space around it, as over time many personal items will become integrated into the original design, making it unique and personal.   But why not sta...