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Showing posts with the label Kitchen Art

The Wonderment of Kitchen Design

Nature provides us with daily beauty and here we see this wonderment celebrated through the medium of kitchen design.   Rugged stone veneer provides an insight into the seismic violence that makes up our world while the smooth finished worktop provides an insight into how uneven and harsh surfaces can be perfectly polished by water, time and even human persistence. Add architectural integration, abstract shapes and art to the mix and you have found a kitchen that exists in equilibrium with nature, architecture, design and individual!   Who said kitchen design wasn’t interesting!

Mayan Kitchen

There is a great presence in this design by Saporiti Italia drawing the viewer in and presenting hidden treasures at every turn.   The main focal point of the design is the island which looks as though it has been forged by the hand of an ancient Mayan stone mason.   There is a compromise here in that the ultimate functional possibilities for the island have been purposely restricted to enable the aesthetical beauty of this monolith to be adored in all its splendor!   But that’s not all; this design considers that the kitchen is a functional art installation and that there should be an appreciation of light and of all three dimensional planes.   Some of the doors have been etched, again reminiscent of Mayan artwork, to invite light and shadows!   Add to this mix a simple linear matrix, modern materials such as coloured glass, quartz worktops and LED lights and this kitchen is an understated functional beauty! The Mogul Approves!

Kitchen Art - Underground Movement

Like minded people can, and will gravitate towards each other! When this occurs radical new ideas can develop quickly and become more widely accepted, having a long term impact on our set of expectations.   The Mogul believes that Kitchen Design is a functional art form impacting individuals on a sensory and spiritual level; it is therefore encouraging to find another group of people who have a similar ethos! MOKA or Modern Kitchen Art developed the Superma range with flexibility and efficiency in mind but what makes this kitchen different is the fact that the designers have released the power of light!   Translucent materials and Led’s allow this kitchen to explore the interactive possibilities of not actually being used.   When in standby the kitchen can become intrusive or invisible and it can also complement the surrounding architecture and the personal lifestyle of the user.   Kitchen Design is evolving into a multi-levelled design discipline that can deliver...

Kitchen Art - it's childs play!!!

It is amazing that some people can think that designing a kitchen is child’s play!   But with kitchen design having functional, cultural, social, artistic and holistic implications it could prove foolhardy to underestimate this particular discipline.   Here though we see a brilliantly expressive piece of functional art.     Made up of 20,000 individual pieces of Lego and taking a week to complete this concept is blatantly artistic.   It is also interesting to observe how the creators, Simon Pillard and Philippe Rosetti have been so obviously random with the placement of the individual pieces of Logo, making no attempt to create a pattern.   The randomness highlights the size of each individual element and therefore reflects the amount of time it has taken to create the design; which could be translated as being a key element of the art itself.    Look forward to telling the fitting teams that they’re installing 20 of these!