"This is the finest blog I have seen for the kitchen industry. The designs unveiled on this site are so insanely new and innovative, you'll find them here before any publication can muster pen to paper. This is a site from a blogger with a true kitchen design obsession that will have you reading every column inch with pleasure and delight."

Jackie Daly, Managing Editor, KBB Magazine

Thursday 23 February 2012

Kitchen Garden

There is a little bit of everything in this design; seamless architectural integration, soothing holistic elements and an empathetic unity between interior and exterior design.

Coloured light is a powerful medium with the ability to sooth the soul, providing warmth to any design.  The reflective stainless steel overhang and white surfaces on the island allow the light to move around the room and provide a prelude to the fantastic exterior backdrop.  

The integration with the garden area is seamless and the breakfast bar acts as a visual runway leading onto an external garden path.   The sight lines are connected and so too is the carefully thought out lighting.

The Mogul loves this one!

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