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Showing posts with the label Cantilever Design

Nipped Cantilever

This off set cantilever is certainly impressive but you can see how it may have some practical limitations.   Creating an angled feature like this can create a nip point which limits the seating on one side.   The angle also allows the feature to reach beyond its natural position allowing it to become a potential obstruction! Looks great though!

Introspective Contemplation

Reflective surfaces cause unavoidable introspective contemplation.   With this design there should be no regrets! It is fabulous!

Pregnant Kitchen Cantilever!

Kitchen design is certainly becoming more and more artistic!   Here we see an island which is formed by using simple shapes and the result is very dramatic.   The structure appears to float in mid air, defying gravity and repelling an architectural connection.   But the designers haven't quite pulled off an engineering masterpiece; this cantilever doesn’t float instead it is supported by using clear acrylic.   You can’t knock this design though as it has real visual impact becoming a real talking point at any social gathering. Interesting too that the model in the image is pregnant!   She is also creating a very naturally formed cantilever of her own. Love it!!