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Showing posts with the label Great Kitchen Designs

KDS - Kitchen Design Supremacy

There is a simple purity to this design that disguises a cunning technological complexity.    The designers have indulged our innate love of natural materials and geometric form to create a kitchen which can only be described as an exemplary functional art exhibit. This fantastic design has been lovely fashioned from solid ash boards and the functional services have been carefully entombed within the rich warmth of the timber.   The simple shape of the island defies convention presenting a minimal but highly functional preparation and cooking area.   The functional and aesthetical requirements are completely satisfied though the introduction of a socially inviting cantilever which naturally runs off the main surface of the island.   And if the island wasn’t enough, lurking in a background is a show stopping transformer with the visual and functional power to floor any onlooker! This is kitchen design supremacy!

Future Proofed Kitchen

The drive towards the kitchens harmonious integration into our architectural living space continues!   This rendered design uses a monochrome palette to great effect giving the kitchen only enough definition to be noticed and offering continuity to the storage units within the living room. Future dwellings may not be defined by rooms but instead by the amount of open space that the interior architect can play with.   The future kitchen designer will make the internal walls functional, integrating everything and utilizing ever inch of floor space.   Offering un-structural room definition encourages a future proofed, design fluid environment that can be easily changed or manipulated without the need for serious structural work. The Mogul has said it before…Kitchen Design is Changing!