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Showing posts with the label Curved Kitchens

Taking the edge IT IS!

Who was it said that a chair had to have 4 legs or that a car needed four wheels?   Rules are made to be broken and it is challenging these boundaries that make design exciting.   Contemporary kitchen design has always found comfort in smooth finishes and clean lines.   The concept of having various components come together with seamless, calculated precision allowing the onlooker to be captivated and amazed at how man could be so chillingly accurate with basic tools!   The reality is though that this exactness is still controlled by man but he now has a CNC machine in is arsenal of basic tools! This design by Simone Micheli for Euromobil named “IT IS” decides to flaunt change right into the face of contemporary kitchen design.   The smooth finishes are still present and the composition of the design is still very mainstream contemporary, but the fact that the doors and drawers have had the corners removed makes this design shine.   In one of the images you will notice that the

Curved Kitchen Island

This is cool.   The Mogul feels that although this design appears futuristic it is actually softened enough to become commercially acceptable.   The curved island is nothing new, the tall bank of units containing the appliances is nothing new, but the quirky modular framework of the island and the funky open shelves are new, making this design different. The impact of the design is increased by the dropped ceiling contour matching that of the island!   Add ceiling lights and this is architecture and kitchen in perfect harmony!