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Showing posts with the label Designer Kitchen

Aggressive Kitchen Design

The aggressive, rasping texture of this monolithic slab dissipates instantly into the cool tranquil tones of polished marble.    A fantastic contrast is created as the stone is forced to accept a new functional role whilst wood and light begrudgingly add a little warmth. The throw away industrial feel is enhanced further by the random spray lettering on the slab giving this design an abstract artistic feel that defies convention and tests of boundaries of domestic culinary acceptance.        The Mogul Approves.....and in the coming weeks will return to pass judgement on other fantastic kitchen designs! kitchen designs!

Celestial Island Cluster

Managing to understand and control proportion whilst delivering exemplary functional performance and unrivalled aesthetic impact is a skill which kitchen designers continually hone. Sitting majestically in the centre of the room this island cluster presents itself like an elevated alter of style complete with a ceiling drop that can deliver celestial messages direct to the Gods of design! Soft approachable geometry and the precise sightline and functional arrangement ensure that the impressive architectural scaling must cower down in the presence of this functional master piece. An island is one thing, but if you have enough space why don’t you let your imagination explore the endless possibilities of multi-island arrangements. The Mogul Approves!

Simply Complex

Even the simplicity of contemporary design can benefit from aesthetic layering.   Layers can provide definition and interest to a design and help the viewer appreciate how simplicity can be derived from complex thought! Here we see how a simple step in the work surface and deliver multiple contrasts of material, texture, colour and form.   Offsetting the feature creates definition along three planes and introduces some asymmetrical styling to the design.   The elevated placement of the cleaning zone may also deliver enhanced ergonomic performance. This idea is simple but effective and The Mogul loves it!

Subterranean Dining Experience

Exaggerated lines, colours and features make this a deceptive design!   Strong feature colours are used to attract attention away from the benign, architecturally absorbed cabinetry!   The effect is to camouflage the functional identity of the furniture and create some artistic impact! The unique foot well in the floor allows for an interesting subterranean dining experience but it may prove tiresome to those serving the food!!  

A Traditional Approach to Contemporary Kitchen Design!

Modern kitchen design is now “traditionally” linear, angular and determinedly simple!   But in the quest for development, advancement and design diversity we occasionally see conceptual mutations, a line of change that attempts to become a commercial trend. But however simple the change it is important not to underestimate the complexity of understanding that inspires the designer to move their pencil in an unsolicited manner! By removing the angular punctuations caused by vertical and horizontal planes meeting the eye is invited to infinitely follow the shape of this kitchen. The cascading appearance used on the gables changes of mood of this design making it more feminine and gentle, allowing it to flow instead of rigidly making a statement.   The soft geometry is also more approachable but when used in this way can arguably restrict the potential functional reach of the worktop. Love it!

Terminator Kitchen

This concept combines the warmth of wood and the strength of steel by using artisan techniques to entomb brushed pine veneer in liquefied metal. The aesthetics are impressive with the shimmering finish exposing the beauty of nature, lusting after light with the onlooker being beckoned to experience a truly unique tactile sensation. Fantastic!    

KDS - Kitchen Design Supremacy

There is a simple purity to this design that disguises a cunning technological complexity.    The designers have indulged our innate love of natural materials and geometric form to create a kitchen which can only be described as an exemplary functional art exhibit. This fantastic design has been lovely fashioned from solid ash boards and the functional services have been carefully entombed within the rich warmth of the timber.   The simple shape of the island defies convention presenting a minimal but highly functional preparation and cooking area.   The functional and aesthetical requirements are completely satisfied though the introduction of a socially inviting cantilever which naturally runs off the main surface of the island.   And if the island wasn’t enough, lurking in a background is a show stopping transformer with the visual and functional power to floor any onlooker! This is kitchen design supremacy!

I, Exclamation! - Can you see it?

This kitchen is smooth and sophisticated offering a subtle introduction to functional kitchen art.   The wall units defy convention and resist the temptation to embrace, instead they repel against each other as though a predetermined force field prohibits an interaction.     The un-natural voids between these units present the opportunity for the lighting box shelving to create an interesting ambient effect.   The combination of the lighting and the artistic position of the wall units give this design a moody edge! The dominance of the thick set stainless steel bridging worktop is obvious, as the lower shelving unit knees beneath it in a weighted submission.   This low open shelf unit carries a great burden; and just as Heracles struggled to hold up the heavens this aspect of the design shoulders great responsibility allowing the kitchen to blend effortlessly into the living space. The Mogul approves!