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Showing posts with the label kitchen design ni

Functional Thinking

Purity is a desirable attribute especially if used to disguise complexity!  This design manages to encourage a lingering desire to admire, the type of art gallery presence that demands quiet contemplation to fully appreciate.  By cleverly layering simple linear forms and combining a reserved colour palette this under stated design could be considered a masterpiece of functional thinking! Think about it!

Interstellar Sustenance Platform

This super-charged monolith considers careful adjustments of texture and form to satisfy the need for aesthetic interest.   The metallic finishes give this design an industrial accent that spits shards of metallic attitude at anyone considering anything less than all things contemporary. An oasis of vegetation completes the transformation from simple kitchen to interstellar sustenance platform, allowing kitchen consumers to go where no man has gone before. The Mogul approves! Looks great.