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Showing posts with the label Kitchen Island Design

Fluidity of Form

The kitchen has evolved into a shape shifting, functional art installation and this conceptual showroom sculpture by Silestone proves that fluidity of form can captivate the human imagination! The domestic application of this fantastic design may need a little tweaking though! The Mogul approves!

Tearing down the walls!

Walls can leave an abrupt and permanent impact upon a living space, the type of restrictive influence that can be expensive to reverse and can deliver an un-compromising legacy for future design! By creating separation between architecture and kitchen new possibilities begin to emerge!   The kitchen can be used as an approachable, multi functional buffer, providing spatial definition in an open plan setting that maximises storage and leaves sightlines free from obvious obstruction. To embrace change is to consider new possibilities – so imagine the missed opportunity here if this kitchen had been placed against a wall! The modern kitchen can now be defined as an island and this design showcases its potential!

Monolithic Functionality

The palate here is crisp and futuristic delivering an immediate visual experience.    There is presence to this design with sharp stainless steel edges contrasting strongly against the surroundings.   The cabinetry backdrop is absorbed by the architecture and the resulting solidarity of colour gives the monolithic functionality even greater authority. Duel islands are certainly trending at the moment and this is a fine example of what can be achieved!   The Mogul loves the spiral staircase!!

Sitting on the dock of the bay!

This expanse of stainless steel is like a functional jetty reaching out into a sea of open space while asking for mainstream acceptance by tethering itself to an anchor of conventional cabinetry.   This kitchen delivers a powerful visual experience by allowing light to penetrate through the design maximising the feeling of space. But the lack of storage would certainly be an issue here! The Mogul is guessing that the designers have submerged some adequate storage into the surrounding architecture so that it does not impose on the light and airy feel! Impressive stuff!

Lip Service

This island has a duel sided focus but can be accessed on all four sides by multiple users.   It contains the cleaning, preparation and cooking zones and is a powerful example of how the kitchen can no longer be defined or restricted by the surrounding architecture.   The tall units in the background appear more suited to a conventional living space and the mirrored panels create an architectural illusion reflecting the kitchen island and amplifying its presence.   It is also interesting to see how the 4 sides of this functional magnet have been given two different finishes with the doors rising up on two sides past the worktop edge to meet a stainless steel lip.    This lip detail prevents water or ingredients running off the worktop and onto the kitchen doors. Love it!!

Axis of Domestic Life

The kitchen is becoming more focused, precise and calculated in every way.   Designers have released it from its traditional architectural confines and are presenting this functional furniture in a new light.   The Mogul loves this design as it is determined to keep our attention on the task at hand with short walking distances between functional zones playing a key role in this concept.   This is not just a square island; it is a kitchen that considers ergonomics, functionality, sociability and natural light.   It is a design that appreciates how layers and voids can make simple shapes interesting, user friendly and artistically influential.   The dropped ceiling and significant canopy only act to focus our attention on this axis of domestic life.  This design is the dot on the "I" of the word kitchen – punctuated, and deliberately influencing the surrounding environment. This is a very clever concept with complex layers and it should be appreciated!

Kitchen Island

The Mogul loves this image because it is challenging!   The linear lines of contemporary kitchen design and mainstream commercial colours have been abandoned; instead there is a celebration of individual taste that embraces colour and form! Is this an example of how functional kitchen art expresses an island and can this one individual style indulgence define the entire kitchen, the architecture and the people who use the space? The answer you are looking for is yes!