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Showing posts with the label Fashion Design Kitchen

Anthropometric Miscalculation

The aesthetic simplicity of this design helps to camouflage an impatient yearning to be noticed.   The black, super sheen doors absorb their surroundings by reflection and blur the boundaries between kitchen and architecture.   Only the kitchen worktop provides definition presenting an angular anomaly that defies convection and provokes a slight tilting of the head! This angular feature is thrust to the fore with the help of a basic monochrome colour scheme but it is the same choices of colour and finish that help to conceal an anthropometric miscalculation! A slight gradient allows the base unit doors to lean against the wall.   It could be argued that having the units deeper at the bottom adds aesthetic interest and allows artistic flair to be satisfied but it may eventually be a pain, increasing functional reach distances and causing stresses on the lower back!

Fashion Kitchen

This photographic set up by Tayfun Cetinkaya looks to the future from a slightly retro standpoint, so it is interesting that this feature, which appeared in Marie Claire magazine depicts the perfect modern kitchen as being white, smooth and ever so slightly glossy with a statement island to match the models beauty! These images prove one very important point though; that kitchen design and fashion design are intrinsically linked together and in this set of images the relationship is mutually complementary!