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Showing posts with the label Cool Interior Design

Terminator Kitchen

This concept combines the warmth of wood and the strength of steel by using artisan techniques to entomb brushed pine veneer in liquefied metal. The aesthetics are impressive with the shimmering finish exposing the beauty of nature, lusting after light with the onlooker being beckoned to experience a truly unique tactile sensation. Fantastic!    

Functional self expressionism!

Functional self expressionism is spreading!   The kitchen is the new expressive media for the man...or woman on the street!   However, The Mogul is not a fan of the cleaning and cooking zones being positioned on opposite sides of an island...particularly on an island of this size!   There must be a good reason for this potential functional annoyance?   It might also be a good idea to have interchangeable door panels so that new artistic influences can be expressed without the need to invest in a brand new kitchen every few years.