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Showing posts with the label Contemporary Classic Kitchen

Style Peacemaker

To mediate is to broker agreement and here we see a kitchen becoming a style peacemaker.   The industrial architecture sets the contemporary scene aptly aided by the exposed ventilation system which has been laid bare through the calculating incisions made by an architectā€™s drafting pen.   Light is allowed to penetrate and contradict the industrial space through more classically styled windows, casting shadows that have been polluted by the traditional influence of Georgian frames. The kitchens detachment from the floor is aesthetically powerful but it also shows how we have become scientific in our approach to functional furniture design.   We have learned that it is difficult to reach things at floor level while standing up straight!   The introduction of layers, shapes and warm light helps to soften the surroundings without confusing the picture.   It can be argued that the kitchen designer has been sensitive to the architecture while providing a ...

Tearing down the walls!

Walls can leave an abrupt and permanent impact upon a living space, the type of restrictive influence that can be expensive to reverse and can deliver an un-compromising legacy for future design! By creating separation between architecture and kitchen new possibilities begin to emerge!   The kitchen can be used as an approachable, multi functional buffer, providing spatial definition in an open plan setting that maximises storage and leaves sightlines free from obvious obstruction. To embrace change is to consider new possibilities ā€“ so imagine the missed opportunity here if this kitchen had been placed against a wall! The modern kitchen can now be defined as an island and this design showcases its potential!

Subterranean Dining Experience

Exaggerated lines, colours and features make this a deceptive design!   Strong feature colours are used to attract attention away from the benign, architecturally absorbed cabinetry!   The effect is to camouflage the functional identity of the furniture and create some artistic impact! The unique foot well in the floor allows for an interesting subterranean dining experience but it may prove tiresome to those serving the food!!  

Kitchen Design Trends 2012 - Part 1

The Mogul is sure that many kitchen designers have been in a situation where the client brief is a little hazy.   Many clients undergo a personal style struggle, the classic situation of wanting a contemporary, fashion statement kitchen for now but fearing that it will be prone to premature aging.   This design phenomenon has subtly created a new trend, a hybrid kitchen that creates a balance between design longevity and being stylishly hip!   This design is an example of a contemporary classic kitchen.   The lines here are linear and some fussy traditional details like cornicing have been removed, but the whole look has been softened by integrating a traditionally profiled door.   In this example we see the next level of integration as the door profiles are mixed allowing the design to be predominantly contemporary while tentatively dipping its plinth into traditional water! It is also interesting to see how the islands contrasting worktop has been cut short al...

Splinter Cell - A Contemporary Classic

And so behold the mighty hybrid kitchen; a shining example of what is to come and the epitome of style fusion.   This is a splinter cell approach to kitchen design, an amalgamation of opposing style tribes.     But as the conflict dissipates the impact of peace presents something beautiful! This design shows how contemporary kitchen designers are searching for a new avenue to explore and that in order to make progressive leaps forward some designers are actually looking over their shoulder.   They are reflecting on what has worked in the past and morphing significant design elements from each style generation to create a new direction.   It is simple really; by introducing classical elements like raised panel doors and beautifully turned posts, all finished in a high gloss lacquer this design reaches a whole new level.   Add to the mix sweeping worktop curves and this kitchen can be classified as a contemporary classic. Breaking a contemporary, linear desi...

Back to the Future Kitchen

A little while ago The Mogul introduced the idea of the contemporary classic kitchen, a hybrid design that straddles the contemporary/ traditional divide and appeases the tribal design conflict!   It will be this type of kitchen that will offer the closet contemporaryā€™s the opportunity to indulge in ā€œsafeā€ kitchen fashion.   Hello Middle America! So what makes up this style?   The lines of the design will be from the contemporary designers drafting board; worktops will be slender and fused to the cabinetry.   There will be an asymmetrical approach to the overall concept and just like in this design by GED Cucine the handles and cornice will be removed.   However the actual door will no longer be smooth, buffed and polished, instead the doors display traditional profiled elements, bringing contemporary kitchen design back to the future.   And like it or not, this is the future. The Mogul thinks that this is a spectacular compromise!   Truly beaut...