"This is the finest blog I have seen for the kitchen industry. The designs unveiled on this site are so insanely new and innovative, you'll find them here before any publication can muster pen to paper. This is a site from a blogger with a true kitchen design obsession that will have you reading every column inch with pleasure and delight."

Jackie Daly, Managing Editor, KBB Magazine

Thursday 2 September 2010


Design is an evolutionary path that can be influenced by people and their idiosyncrasies, but design is fundamentally driven by the need to fulfill a purpose. Art is connected to emotion and self awareness. The challenge to the modern kitchen designer is to create the perfect blend for every client.

Many ideas may initially seem strange but it can be part of the evolution of a design. These strange ideas can become diluted or may be developed by others who take a different approach, ultimately leading to the design becoming commercially acceptable.

The Mogul believes that kitchen design is an art form that is being restrained by manufacturers and their need to sell. Kitchen Design Think Tank allows designers with vision to step out of this stampede and explore the possibilities kitchen design has to offer.

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