"This is the finest blog I have seen for the kitchen industry. The designs unveiled on this site are so insanely new and innovative, you'll find them here before any publication can muster pen to paper. This is a site from a blogger with a true kitchen design obsession that will have you reading every column inch with pleasure and delight."

Jackie Daly, Managing Editor, KBB Magazine

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Party Kitchen

There is something not right here...you just can’t put your finger on it!  Don’t misunderstand The Mogul as it could be just a personal preference, but those fantastically muscular appliances along the back wall don’t sit well within this streamlined contemporary design!  Both the kitchen design and the appliances are great...but just not together!
The overall look is impressive, incorporating some cutting edge asymmetrical design theories and multi-unit levels to add interest and increase functional capacity.  The lower area in the foreground provides a casual landing area for your guests to crash and nibble but The Mogul must again question the appeal of this informal seating area!  Cold, hard surfaces may not appear all that inviting to “crashing guests”, lack of back support may also mean that this would be a “short sit”! The area is probably too low for preparation but would work well as an informal, integrated coffee table, ideal for canapés and champagne!!
Lets empty that wine cellar because this is a party kitchen!

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