"This is the finest blog I have seen for the kitchen industry. The designs unveiled on this site are so insanely new and innovative, you'll find them here before any publication can muster pen to paper. This is a site from a blogger with a true kitchen design obsession that will have you reading every column inch with pleasure and delight."

Jackie Daly, Managing Editor, KBB Magazine

Sunday 24 July 2011

Isn't She Lovely

This design is absolutely beautiful, a magnificent example of how contemporary kitchen design can be appreciated by architecture that doesn’t have the stereotypical hallmarks of a contemporary build. 
There is a growing trend at the moment that seems to point to a contradiction, a skewed alignment between kitchen and architecture that works brilliantly well!  Classically styled architecture and interior design can soften the edges of a minimal kitchen concept and provide a subtle avenue for artistic expression. 
Doing this also makes contemporary kitchen design more accessible to those who don’t have a contemporary dwelling, so although this looks great and works well there may well be a commercial interest driving the notion of this style.  Interestingly though this idea doesn't work as well in the opposite direction where you have contemporary architecture and a traditional kitchen!
Whatever the reason....it looks fantastic.
However, just to burst the bubble on this design!  It is sprawling and the distance between the ovens and the hob is huge.  The functional zones seem to have been compromised in the name of beauty; but if you own a kitchen of this size you might not mind having your personal chef walk a few extra feet now and again!

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