"This is the finest blog I have seen for the kitchen industry. The designs unveiled on this site are so insanely new and innovative, you'll find them here before any publication can muster pen to paper. This is a site from a blogger with a true kitchen design obsession that will have you reading every column inch with pleasure and delight."

Jackie Daly, Managing Editor, KBB Magazine

Wednesday 14 September 2011

1.21 gigawatts of kitchen

The kitchen has actually become an island, and the island kitchen presents an opportunity for functional and artistic self expressionism! 
The three arms of this design reach out towards the surrounding architecture longing for a physical connection to the structural boundaries that have historically manipulated and constrained its development.    But this metaphor of historical reflection is only a symbolic gesture, as this design is also expressing its new found freedom, its ability to stretch and control an open plan space and encourage the seamless integration between sociability and function!  This kitchen island has no sides and is coming out....with pride!
It is also interesting that by looking back in time and considering the design path that has liberated the kitchen you are also seeing into the future!  Is it also coincidental that this island is shaped like a flux capacitor!?  Maybe the appliances run on 1.21 gigawatts of power!

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